教授 & 临时的椅子


245年海洋 & 物理建筑物
诺福克 , 23529年

Ph.D. 佐治亚大学微生物学博士(1985)

B.S. in Biology/Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, (1979)


哈维,H. "REU Site: An Interdisciplinary Program for Climate Change Science in Metropolitan Coastal Communities at 最靠谱的网赌软件. " $356,321. 联邦. 2017年3月1日至2020年2月28日
哈维,H. "Collaborative 研究: Proteins As Functional Biomarkers: Integrating Organic Characterization With Proteomics To Track Routes For 碳 And Nitrogen Recycling And Preservation" $392,051. 联邦. 2016年10月1日- 2019年9月30日
哈维,H. 菲律宾,K. C. "REU Site: An Interdisciplinary Program at ODU for Study of MET" $117,967. 联邦. 2017年4月1日- 2018年4月1日
哈维,H. "TO 4- Biophysical And Chemical Observations" $68,090. 外国. 2015年5月1日- 2018年4月1日
哈维,H. "Chukchi Sea Offshore Monitoring and Drilling area (COMIDA): The Hanna Shoal Ecosystem Study." $5,100,000. 联邦. 2011年9月- 2017年9月
哈维,H. "Collaborative 研究: 全球 Ocean Repeat Hydrography, 碳, 示踪剂测量, 2015-2020" $3,890. 高等教育. 2016年12月15日- 2017年6月30日
哈维,H. "Collaborative 研究: Linking geochemistry and proteomics to reveal the impact of bacteria on protein cycling in the ocean. " $349,000. 2012年10月- 2016年9月
哈维,H. "Major 研究 Instrumentation: Acquisition of a Hybrid Mass Spectrometry System for the Next Generation of Multidisciplinary Geosciences 研究, 学生教育与培训." $509,000. 2012年10月- 2015年9月
哈维,H. "Development of Biochemical Measures of Age in the Alaskan Red King Crab: Validation, 改进和初步评估”26美元,000. 2012年9月- 2015年8月


marine organic geochemistry, organic contaminants, climate change


有机地球化学和生物地球化学. 消息人士, transformation and fate of natural and anthropogenic organic compounds in aquatic environments and their linkages with climate. 天然产物和有机污染物化学.


施瓦布,M. S..瑞克,J. D..麦克唐纳,R. W..哈维,H.纽约州哈吉普尔市. 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》(2021年). Detrital neodymium and (radio)carbon as complementary sedimentary bedfellows? 北冰洋西部是一个试验台. 地球化学与宇宙化学学报 315 , pp. 101-126.
卢卡,B. M..雷斯勒,P. H..哈维,H. 沃伦,J。. D.. (2021). Individual variability in sub-Arctic krill material properties, 脂质成分, and other scattering model inputs affect acoustic estimates of their population. 冰海洋科学杂志 78 (4) , pp. 1470-1484.
哈维,H.麦克马洪,R. 泰勒,K. A.. (2021). Lipid markers and compound-specific carbon isotopes as diet and biosynthesis reflectors in the northern Neptune whelk Neptunea heros. 海洋生态进展系列 673 , pp. 69-84.
Vonnahme T. R..Leroy, M.汤姆斯,S.,范·奥维伦,迪克,哈维,H.克里斯汀森,S.r.g radinger.迪特里希,美国. 和C .沃尔克. (2021). 建模 silicate-nitrate-ammonium co-limitation of algal growth and the importance of bacterial remineralization based on an experimental Arctic coastal spring bloom culture study. BIOGEOSCIENCES 18 (5) , pp. 1719-1747.
麦克马洪,R., Taveras, Z.纽伯特,P. 哈维,H. (2021). Organic biomarkers and Meiofauna diversity reflect distinct carbon sources to sediments transecting the Mackenzie continental shelf. 大陆架研究 220.
麦肯,米. P..哈维,H.蒂明斯-希夫曼,E.瑞弗尔,M., 5月,D. H..索尔特,我.高贵的,高贵的. S.. 纳恩,B. L.. (2020). Metaproteomics reveal that rapid perturbations in organic matter prioritize functional restructuring over taxonomy in western Arctic Ocean microbiomes. ISME杂志 14 (1) , pp. 39-52.
Krayushkina D.蒂明斯-希夫曼,E., 假的,我., 5月,D. H..瑞弗尔,M.哈维,H. 纳恩,B. L.. (2019). Growth phase proteomics of the heterotrophic marine bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi. 科学数据 6.
Timmins-Schiffman E.米金,M., Ting, Y. S.哈维,H. R. 纳恩,B. L. (2018). MS analysis of a dilution series of bacteria: phytoplankton to improve detection of low abundance bacterial peptides. Sci. 报告 8 (9276).
哈维,H. 泰勒,K. A,. (2017). Alkane and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments and benthic invertebrates of the northern Chukchi Sea. 深海研究II 144 , pp. 52-62.
Timmins-Schiffman E., 5月,D. H.M.瑞弗尔,M.弗拉泽,C.哈维,H.高贵的,高贵的. S. 纳恩,B. L. (2017). Critical decisions in metaproteomics: Achieving high confidence protein annotations in a sea of unknowns. ISME期刊 11 (2) , pp. 309-314.
Pleuthner R.肖,C. 特蕾西.Schatz, M. J..莱萨德,E. J.. 哈维,H. (2016). Lipid markers of diet history and their retention during experimental starvation in the Bering Sea euphausiid Thysanoessa raschii. Deep Sea 研究 Part II: Topical Studies in 海洋学 134 , pp. 190-203.
③,. I..哈维,H. 埃克特,G. L.. (2016). Development of biochemical measures of age in the Alaskan red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus (Anomura): Validation, 改进和初步评估. 渔业研究 183 , pp. 92-98.
5月,维. H..蒂明斯-希夫曼,E.M. P..哈维,H.博伦斯坦,E.选B. L.. 诺布尔,W. S.. (2016). An Alignment-Free “Metapeptide” Strategy for Metaproteomic Characterization of Microbiome Samples Using Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing. 蛋白质组学研究杂志 15 (8) , pp. 2697-2705.
Bi H..,于海.., Pinchuk. 哈维,H. (2015). Interannual summer variability in euphausiids populations on the eastern Bering Sea shelf during the recent cooling event (2008–2010).. 深海研究I 95 , pp. 12-19.
哈维,H.泰勒,K. A..派,H. V.. 米切尔莫尔,C. L.. (2014). Polycyclic Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Chukchi Sea Biota and Sediments and its Toxicological Response in the Arctic cod, Boreogadus赛达. 深海研究II 102 , pp. 32-55.
摩尔,E. K.哈维,H., F., F. J.., R., G. D.. 和L., N. B.. (2014). 白令海藻类孵化中的蛋白质循环. 海洋生态进展系列 515 , pp. 45-59.
哈维,H. (2013). Diatom Proteomics Reveals Unique Acclimation Strategies to Mitigate Fe Limitation. 《最靠谱的网赌软件》 8 (10) , pp. e75653.
Sigler F.. 哈维,H. (2013). 白令海项目简介:第二卷 . 深海研究II 94 , pp. 2-6.
摩尔,E. K..选B. L.., 假的,我. F..D .古德利特. R.. 哈维,H. (2012). Evaluation of electrophoretic protein extraction and database driven protein identification from marine sediments. 湖泊与海洋学 10 , pp. 353-366 .
哈维,H.普莱瑟纳,R. L..莱萨德,E. J..伯恩哈特,M. J.. 肖,C. T.. (2012). Physical and biochemical Properties of the Euphausiids Thysanoessa inermis, Thysanoessa raschii, and Thysanoessa longipes in the Eastern Bering Sea.. 深海研究II 65 , pp. 173-183.
哈维,H. (2011). Novel lineages of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus in the global oceans. ISME杂志 , pp. 1-13.
假的,我. F..L .贝利卡. L. . 哈维,H. (2011). Organic sources and carbon sequestration in Holocene shelf sediments from the western Arctic Ocean. 大陆架研究 31 , pp. 1169-1179.
哈维,H., Ju, S. J.金·W. S.范伯格,L.萧伯纳. 彼得森,W。. T. (2010). The biochemical estimation of age in euphausiids: laboratory calibration and field comparisons. 深海研究II 57 , pp. 663-671.
南都,B. L., Ting, Y. S.马姆斯特伦,L.,蔡,Y. S.斯奎尔,A.D .古德利特. R. 哈维,H. (2010). The path to preservation: Using proteomics to decipher the fate of diatom proteins during microbial degradation. 湖沼学 & 海洋学 55 , pp. 1790.


哈维,R. H. (2017年8月). “海冰范围在气候中的作用——如何测量?" Oral Presentation US-Norway Fulbright Workshop Oslo, Norway.
哈维,H. (2014年1月). 白令海综合生态系统研究, findings of the BEST-BSIERP Program Keynote/Plenary Address Alaska Marine Science Symposium Anchorage, AK.
  • 2017: Arctic Chair, Fulbright Distinguished Scholar program
  • 2009年:摄政学院研究奖, 奖学金及创意活动, 马里兰大学系统