

Universities across the country are being called upon to reimagine engineering education and to prepare a new and diverse engineering workforce with deep technical and 专业技能ets to address the large, 复杂的技术和社会挑战的今天和明天.

这就要求对传统教学采取综合方法, 研究, and service mission with an emphasis on advancing the state of engineering knowledge and practice. 弗兰克·巴登工程学院的教职员工 & 技术 are enthusiastically dedicated to providing the highest quality educational experience for our 学生 and to leading sponsored 研究 with lasting, 积极的影响. 要做到这一点, we simultaneously respect the history and heritage of 工程专业 and engineering education at ODU with a purposeful focus on the future, including the preparation of today's 学生 to be valued members 和领导人 of 工程专业 and 研究ers that will lead our profession and society forward to a bright future.

着眼于未来:2030年及以后的战略计划 is intended to define a positive trajectory for the Batten College with specific goals, 目标, and actions to advance the College through the fourth decade of 21st century. 换句话说, while the Batten College will celebrate the future accomplishments of our faculty, 工作人员, 和学生达成战略目标, the true success of this plan will be the creation of a positive momentum that will define the Batten College as a leader in innovative engineering education and impactful 研究 in the near future and beyond.


Engineering education at 最靠谱的网赌软件 can be traced back to 1930 when the Norfolk Division of the College of William & 玛丽成立. In partnership with Virginia Polytechnic Institute (now known as Virginia Tech), 学生 could complete the first two years of their engineering studies and then transfer to VPI to complete their baccalaureate degree.

1962年,该机构被授予独立为老道明学院. 这包括建立一个新的工程学院. Kaufman Hall, constructed to house the new engineering program, was dedicated in 1965. The initial degree programs offered by the new School of Engineering received full ABET accreditation in 1967. 1969年,老道明学院更名为最靠谱的网赌软件, 增加研究生学位课程的结果是什么. The School of Engineering became the first school at ODU to offer a doctoral degree in 1972.

In 1986, 作为ODU全面重组的一部分, 工程学院更名为工程学院 & 技术. 2003年, 作为弗兰克·巴顿3200万美元礼物的一部分, 学院更名为弗兰克·巴顿工程学院 & 技术. As part of the 50th anniversary celebration commemorating the establishment of the School of Engineering, 大学举行了50周年奠基仪式,000平方英尺工程系统大楼(ESB), 2014年开业.

弗兰克·巴顿工程学院 & 技术 owes its future to the vision and dedication of the many faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 捐助者, and other supporters who created the foundation on which we look to build on today. 当我们展望未来,畅想我们的未来, 包括我们所有未来的学生, we recognize and respect that we stand on the shoulders of the many giants who went before us.



我们非常重视举办学院会议, 欢迎, 授权, 动态, 道德, 为学生提供专业的学习和工作环境, 工作人员, and faculty that supports both individual goals and the shared goal of advancing the College's mission, 声誉, 和认可.


We embrace being a part of 最靠谱的网赌软件 and support its important role as a diverse, 全面的, community-engaged, 创业, minority-serving, military-serving, r1指定研究机构.


We are committed to the success of our undergraduate and graduate 学生 and to preparing them for lasting and rewarding careers through relationship-rich, 一般课程, 包括新兴技术的整合, 最先进的学习环境, 以及丰富的体验式学习机会.


We are dedicated to leading and engaging 学生 at all levels in inquiry-based, 在当地具有高度社会和经济影响的创新研究, 区域, 国家, 和globallevels, and to sharing the knowledge gained through our 研究 for the betterment of society and our profession.



弗兰克·巴顿工程学院 & 技术将成为全国公认的面向未来的领导者, 以学生为中心的工程与工程技术教育, 研究, 和创新 that 道德ly and equitably contributes to the sustainable economic and societal prosperity of 汉普顿路地区, 弗吉尼亚联邦, 这个国家, 这个世界.

弗兰克·巴顿工程学院 & 技术 owes its future to the vision and dedication of the many faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 捐助者, and other supporters who created the foundation on which we look to build on today. 当我们展望未来,畅想我们的未来, 包括我们所有未来的学生, we recognize and respect that we stand on the shoulders of the many giants who went before us.


弗兰克·巴顿工程学院 & 科技服务学生, 工程专业, 汉普顿路地区, 弗吉尼亚联邦, 这个国家, 这个世界 道德ly and equitably through innovative and impactful 研究 and future-focused educational programs that prepare the next generation of engineers, 创新者, 企业家, 和领导人.


The following strategic goals and 目标 have been established with the purpose of guiding the Batten College to 2030 and beyond. The goals and 目标 are consistent with our core values and will support our effort to fulfill our mission and achieve our vision.


我们将提供优质, future-focused educational and experiential learning opportunities to an increasing number of diverse, 为事业做好准备的巴顿学院的单身汉, 大师, 博士生, 作为毕业生,谁将以其技术知识而闻名, 专业技能, 道德标准高, 以及跨文化意识. 


We will increase and sustain the Batten College's success in securing external funding for, 让学生参与, and disseminating results of innovative 研究 that advances the state of knowledge and has high social and economic impact in our local, 区域, 国家, 全球社区和我们的职业. 


我们将培育一种欢迎, 包容, and collaborative culture that supports the recognition of the Batten College as a community dedicated to excellence and scholarship in engineering education, 研究, 和创新. 


We will be recognized for our unwavering commitment to and success in recruiting, 发展中, 保留, and supporting an outstanding and diverse faculty and 工作人员 who are dedicated to fulfilling the mission and vision of the Frank 巴顿工程学院 & 技术. 


我们将提供优质, future-focused educational and experiential learning opportunities to an increasing number of diverse, 为事业做好准备的巴顿学院的单身汉, 大师, 博士生, 作为毕业生,谁将以其技术知识而闻名, 专业技能, 道德标准高, 以及跨文化意识. 


We will increase and sustain the Batten College's success in securing external funding for, 让学生参与, and disseminating results of innovative 研究 that advances the state of knowledge and has high social and economic impact in our local, 区域, 国家, 全球社区和我们的职业. 


我们将培育一种欢迎, 包容, and collaborative culture that supports the recognition of the Batten College as a community dedicated to excellence and scholarship in engineering education, 研究, 和创新. 


We will be recognized for our unwavering commitment to and success in recruiting, 发展中, 保留, and supporting an outstanding and diverse faculty and 工作人员 who are dedicated to fulfilling the mission and vision of the Frank 巴顿工程学院 & 技术. 


下载 a copy of the full document of 关注未来: 2030年及以后的战略计划