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哲学 & 宗教RESEARCH学生的机会

Some of the most profound learning experiences are those that happen outside of the classroom.

Enhance your knowledge and understanding of philosophy and religious studies—not to mention your resume—by taking advantage of some of ODU's incredible extracurricular opportunities. Join a club, present at a conference, or participate in a summer program!

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Each year, a prize from the Franklin J. Matchette Foundation is awarded to one outstanding senior philosophy major at Old Dominion. There is no application; all graduating majors are automatically considered.











The purpose of the 欧度哲学俱乐部 is to create interest among the students of 最靠谱的网赌软件 in the field of philosophy and to provide an open forum for the exchange of ideas. Our members come from varying backgrounds and belief systems. Yet we share a desire to thoroughly analyze a broad range of ideas, question beliefs and dogma—including our own—and to courageously question authority. Membership is open to all ODU students.

The Club meets Tuesdays at 12:30pm in Room 3064 of the Batten 艺术 and 信 Building. Meetings generally last about an hour and all are welcome to join. All voices and opinions are appreciated and respected.


philclubrobots 欧度哲学俱乐部 ODU哲学俱乐部博客 欧度哲学俱乐部 脸谱网

Sigma Tau - Virginia Eta Chapter


Sigma Tau is the international honor society for philosophy. The purpose of the organization is to encourage interest and activity among exceptional students and to promote ties between philosophy departments in accredited institutions.


本科 students are eligible for active membership if they have completed three semesters or five quarters of the college course, rank in the upper thirty-five percent of their class, and have completed at least two semester courses or three quarter courses in philosophy with an average grade of over the second highest grade of the working scale.


Candidates are selected by the 哲学 and 宗教RESEARCH Department each year based on the eligibility requirements above. Students who believe they are eligible may also self-nominate by contacting the 教师 Advisor.

指导老师: Dr. 贾斯汀Remhof

ODU Student Branded Web Images Sigma Tau


In an effort to foster a diverse community and bolster the study of philosophy by underrepresented groups, we highly encourage students from underrepresented backgrounds to consider taking part in PIKSI (哲学 In An Inclusive Key) Summer Institutes. PIKSI is a week-long seminar designed teach students about different opportunities in the field of 哲学 and how to access those opportunities, engage further intellectual development, and allow them to network with peers and mentors. 本科s and recent graduates from underrepresented groups such as women, 非裔美国人, Chicano/as and Latino/as, 印第安人, 亚裔美国人, 太平洋岛民, 同性恋者, economically disadvantaged communities, and people with disabilities are urged to apply. Stipends are given to all.

不同的学生 PIKSI暑期学院

Virginia Philosophical Association Meeting

This is an annual conference hosted by different colleges and universities throughout Virginia. This event takes place every Fall and is free and open to the public.

Virginia Philosophical Association

威廉 & Mary 本科 哲学 Conference

This annual conference is held at the College of 威廉 & Mary in 威廉sburg, VA. It is a two-day-long event in which students can share papers, receive critical feedback from each other and faculty, and enjoy a keynote lecture by a notable guest philosopher.

威廉 & Mary 本科 哲学 Conference



Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Discover our experiential learning opportunities.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.


From sports games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events.